CAE Helicopter

CAE Medium Support Helicopter Aircrew Training Facility

CAE’s Medium Support Helicopter Aircrew Training Facility (MSHATF) is a purpose built, state of the art facility that provides ground and simulation based training to RAF and Royal Navy crews of the Joint Helicopter Command as well as turn-key training to other third-party operators.

Rock Infrastructure was appointed by CAE in 2011 to provide strategic, structuring and negotiating expertise to support CAE in transforming the original PFI project into a training business with a long-term UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) services off take agreement and capable of selling its state of the art training services provision globally. This resulted in a successful agreement being reached in Autumn 2017 between CAE and the UK MOD, continuing the 20-year partnership for the provision of UK MOD aircrew training services at CAE’s MSHATF.

As lead advisor for the past 6 years, Rock Infrastructure has continued its long running association with CAE, with both Mark Swindell (Founding Partner) and Nick English (Partner) being involved in the bid phase and close of the original contract signed October 1997. Mark was lead legal adviser on the original bid and Nick, who worked for Hambros Bank at the time, was lead financial adviser.